No artigo Digitally Mediated Urban Space: News Lessons for Design, publicado no Jornal Praxis, em 2004, Anthony Townsend faz uma introdução rápida das transformações que as novas tecnologias digitais provocam no espaço público das cidades, produzindo um novo tipo de espaço público interativo no espaço urbano. Ele trabalha com quatro categorias de tecnologias digitais: Display, Comunicação Wireless, GPS e RFID. Abaixo alguns trechos do artigo.
"To begin thinking about potential reconfigurations of urban space, it is useful to consider the relevant applications in which digital technology has advanced significantly in the last decade. Broadly, we can group these technologies into four groups based on their functional application in urban environments: display and expression, communications, positioning, and documentation.
Wireless communications are quickly defining the very nature of twenty-first century urban streetscapes. The global cellular network has combined with the surface and air transportation system to provide unprecedented levels of mobility. The rigid system of commutes and work schedules introduced during the industrial age is breaking down into a constantly renegotiated swarm of communications and movement. Our increasing dependence upon these technologies for organizing our social and economic lives has rendered the radio frequency spectrum one of the scarcest and most valuable resources in urban areas. To date, however, wireless networks have remained largely outside the realm of architectural and urban design, despite their powerful impacts on the movement and space requirements of individuals, families, and workgroups.
The area of digital technology influencing urban design is the proliferation of personal positioning systems. Spurred by the need of emergency response crews to locate callers involved in accidents, Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers that weighed several pounds and cost thousands of dollars a decade ago have been reduced to a single chip costing less than $5. This trend means that more and more digital devices are increasingly aware of their surroundings, information that can be used in computing processes and architectural designs. Proximity-based positioning techniques based on the detection of embedded radio frequency identification tags (RFID) are likely to spread even more rapidly."
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