segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2007

Celular e novas possibilidades para a comunicação móvel visual

O artigo de Mikko Villi, publicado no site Nordicom Review, examina as câmeras dos celulares inseridas no contexto da comunicação e da fotografia. Aborda as potencialidades e as facilidades das fotografias tiradas do celular, que permitem aos usuários emitir fotos diretamente do telefone e enviá-las como mensagem multimídia. O autor coloca que o celular (com camêra) ubíquo, especialmente através das fotomensagens, pode mudar a forma com que as pessoas utilizam a fotografia pessoal. Sendo assim, ele reconfigura e traz um novo recurso para a comunicação visual.

Abaixo algumas partes da introdução do artigo.


'The aim of this article is to examine photo messages – both on a conceptual and practical level – and to review the meaning of camera phones in relation to communication and photography. The term ”photo message” is not yet widely established; I use the term to refer to digital photographs taken with a camera phone (mobile phone with built-in digital camera) and sent to another mobile phone. A more general term is ”MMS message”; MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service. However, MMS is, rather, the technological platform behind photo messaging. MMS-enabled mobile phones allow users to compose and send messages with one or more multimedia components (text, image, audio, video).

Other terms that have been utilized for photographs sent from a mobile phone are ”picture message”, ”multimedia message”, and ”mobile visual message”. The term picture message is not adequate as it is often used to refer to a drawing or a picture that can be sent from a phone using SMS (Short Message Service). For the purposes of my article I want to distinguish photo messages also from multimedia messages, as I am interested in photo messages particularly in relation to photographs; I do not include the study of text, audio, or video elements in my study, although photographs sent as MMS messages can be supplemented with other types of media content. In addition, a recent study (Ling & Julsrud, 2005: 333) showed that the exchange of text and audio messages via MMS is rarely done, particularly since it often requires more time to develop and edit the messages. The main focus in MMS messaging is the exchange of photographs.

Text messages (SMS messages), photo messages, multimedia messages, and picture messages unite under the term ”mobile message”. 50 I approach the concept of photo message in two contexts: photo messages as a form of mobile communication, and photo messages in relation to photography. The time frame for my article is from the year 2000 onwards. Camera phones were introduced to the public in 2000, and MMS messaging in 2002. Thus all the empirical studies in camera phone photography and photo messaging that I refer to have been published during the last seven years, most of them in the past three years. Until now photo messaging has been studied mainly in computer and information sciences. An important goal, then, of this article is to introduce the concept of photo messaging to communication studies, as the phenomenon is relatively new to the field, and has not until date been greatly studied."

Foto: El Sunday

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