domingo, 30 de setembro de 2007

Celular e protestos em Myanmar II

Novas informações sobre o uso de vídeos e fotos produzidos de celulares, disponibilizados na internet, sobre os protestos em Myanmar. A junta militar continua a suprimir as manifestações democráticas contra o Governo e a cada dia aumenta o número de mortos e feridos nos protestos. Os jornalistas estrangeiros foram proibidos de entrar no país e a única forma de obter informações sobre as mobilizações é através da internet. Entretanto, a junta militar também tem se apropriado dessa ferramenta para disseminar boatos e informações falsas na rede.

Abaixo alguns trechos de uma matéria publicada no MobileActive.

"The Myanmar military continued to suppress demonstrations in Burma/Myanmar today with harrowing pictures of tear gas, guns, and beatings directed at the monks and many more civilian protesters, estimated at 70,000 people. We wrote earlier about the use of mobile phones in transmitting information. The BBC today has an update on the use of the Internet in getting information out of Burma, as the country is called by democracy supporters and dissidents. The article notes that mobiles were used to get information out of the country, but also as a tool by the military junta to disseminate rumors and false information. This is something that we have seen elsewhere - mobiles as a disruptive rumor and propaganda mill -- most recently in Sierra Leone.

The Democratic Voice of Burma has emerged as a major newssource for mobile and video footage from Burma. Other content from inside of Burma is sent by citizens to the BBC where there are some moving pictures, many taken by mobile and emailed or MMSed to the BBC. More footage taken by people in Burma was on the BBC newscast tonight and is here as well (Real Player required). We have little information about the prevalence of mobiles in the country and ability to MMS footage out of the country, but it appears that the Internet is only inconsistently filtered, allowing both pictures and video taken by mobiles and cameras to be sent and published around the world. "

Saiba mais sobre os protestos em Myanmar.

Fotos DVB

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